

I originally set up this website as a kind of 'personal website' using my own Domain name to tell my own story.

Then, when I started as an Art Tutor about 3 years ago with the Art, Craft & Activities Group Inc. (ACAG) who meet at the Mirambeena Community Centre in Lavington, NSW, I saw the potential to share my art knowledge with the Art students.

A few years ago, after a promotional campaign for a watercolour class, my class numbers blew out to 20+ people.  It was really difficult to move around the group and give demonstrations.  That's when I came up with the idea of trying to record videos of various demonstrations. 

You will find those very early videos by clicking the Art Ideas tab above and then the "My Watercolour Videos" tab.   They were rough videos but they worked.

Again, if you go to the Art Ideas tab above you will see the full menu with
"Examples for Drawing", "Charcoal Drawing Examples", "Pastel Painting Examples" and "Still Life Exercise".

As my use of this website for tutoring progressed, I found I could use it for so much more.  As a result, it has evolved to what it is today.  And it will keep evolving,...!!

I have now included a Gallery section to showcase my own art works.  You can find that by clicking on the "Gallery" tab above (or click HERE)

Now (from April 2023), you will hopefully see how it has been used to extend out to the students of ACAG.  

I am now working on producing more videos.  As most of my students are aged pensioners, they don't have a lot of disposable income.   They are also trying art for the first time. 

Rather than spend a lot of money on decent art materials when they are not sure if they will be able to paint, they prefer to "test the water" by buying cheaper brand paints, brushes and canvas or paper.  

The problem with this is, the cheaper stuff is usually more difficult to work with, the paints don't have the colour opacity or intensity, the brushes don't allow for good edge control and loose hair, and the painting surfaces suck up the paint not allowing good coverage so they have to use more paint.  They struggle with these inferior materials and end up giving up in frustration.

In an attempt to overcome this struggle, I will be producing a series of instructional videos using the cheap materials from discount "Two Dollar", "Reject Shop", "Bargain Hunter" and "Variety" type stores, so I can record the experience and demonstrate how to paint successfully with the lower end products.

The videos will be available to my students at no cost however, I will made them available to the public at a low cost.  At this point, I'm looking at pricing the videos at the same rates as my tutoring fees, meaning a 30 minute video would be about $17 to $19 and it could be downloaded to your computer.

Stay Tuned for these videos,... !!
See below to find out how. 

(April 2023)

If you add your name and email address to the form below
I will only notify you when I add new information to my website.
NOTE: I don't have any email campaigns so
I won't be sending out hundreds of newsletters.

I respect your privacy and confidentiality and will not share your contact details with anyone.